Danger Signs of Pregnancy

Though most mothers experience safe pregnancies, watching out for the following signs of danger in pregnancy can avert the development of the severe complications associated with them. These top danger signs of pregnancy include:

1. Vaginal bleeding
Vaginal bleeding can occur at any time during pregnancy. When it occurs in early pregnancy, it can be a sign of miscarriage. When it occurs later in pregnancy, it could be a sign of placenta abruptio or the placenta detaching from the walls of the uterus.

Therefore, regardless of when it occurs and whether it presents as red spots of blood on the underwear or blood gushing from the vagina, vaginal bleeding in pregnancy is a serious sign which warrants immediate evaluation by a healthcare practitioner.

2. Pelvic pain
Pelvic pain can also develop in any month during pregnancy and it should not be managed with over the counter (OTC) pain relievers since it may herald severe complications. 

When it occurs in the first trimester pelvic pain can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy or the baby growing in the fallopian tubes. This is a life threatening complication because severe bleeding can occur if the tube ruptures. When it occurs in the later trimesters, it can be a sign of placenta detachment.

Pelvic or abdominal pain in pregnancy should therefore also warrant immediate assessment by a doctor regardless of whether it is continuous or crampy in nature.

3. Blurred vision
Blurred vision or seeing flashing lights is another danger sign of pregnancy since it can be caused by pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) or eclampsia. Other signs of this life threatening condition which causes the blood pressure to rise include swelling of the face, hands, and feet.  

The development of blurry vision should prompt a visit to the hospital for a blood pressure check and evaluation by an obstetrician since it can progress to convulsions.

4. Lack of fetal movements
Absent fetal movements is another danger sign of pregnancy since it can be a sign of fetal demise or the baby's death. Reduced movements by the baby can also signal fetal distress which can be caused by factors like low blood sugar levels.

Sensing less than four baby kicks in an hour should therefore induce the mother to consume a sugary snack like a chocolate bar as she heads to the hospital for a checkup.